Tuesday, 27 October 2015

DNA Diets: How and What to eat for your DNA

We all wonder: why some remain slim or become plump? Why some have a preference for vegetables or sweets? Why sometimes, when two people following the same diet plan yield opposite results? The answer to these questions lies in the latest findings from the study of Genes and Diet in the fast evolving field of Nutrigenomics, where the link between DNA and diet implies that our genes may have a strong influence on our eating preferences and body type.

The study of Nutrigenomics revolves around these two primary questions: How nutrition and diet affect our genes and how do our genes affect the body's response to nutrition and diet? With genetic testing and personalized DNA diets becoming the latest approach in the field of health and nutrition, the way we eat will be determined by our genes. With this new knowledge, we are able to choose the right types and amounts of nutritional ingredients for our diet and the correct exercise regimens for a healthier lifestyle.

Although genetic analysis may establish that there is a variation of genes in our body, a customized diet plan will optimize our genes' strengths and boost their weaknesses enabling us to lead a healthier life. The specialized DNA diet is not based on guesswork as it relies on our genetic profile to assist in strengthening the body. So experience the remarkable work of DNA diets, only if you decide to follow it religiously.  

Customized DNA diets and their health benefits

When you hear about diet based on your DNA, it almost seems like an unimaginable concept, but in the field of nutrigenomics, the diet is exclusively tailored to reflect your genetic profile.

How does nutrition and diet affect our genes? How do our genes affect the body’s response to nutrition and diet? These are the two primary questions that drive nutrigenomics to study the correlation between genes and nutrition.

A nutrigenomics diet is customized to meet the specific needs of your genes. Take for instance; when it comes to metabolization of vitamins, many people do not require extra vitamins or supplements whereas those who are prone to vitamin deficiency may need to consume these to fulfill their dietary needs.

Maintaining a quality diet plan not only contributes to good health, but is also related to the prevention of disease. When a person is free of any disease, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have good health. Hence, to avoid getting plagued by disease, one must exercise regularly to remain fit and eat the right foods to remain healthy. According to nutrigenomicists, the right nutritional choices can boost your body’s genetics deficiencies and help in sustaining good health for the future.


Are you one of those people looking for a way of living that will allow you to sensibly lose weight and keep the weight off permanently? If yes, this is the information that will enable you to do just that!

The A-Z tips are put up in an alphabetical order so that it is easy for you to remember. 

These suggestions will surely help to achieve your target and watch the waistline!

Always sit down to eat: Don’t eat on the move or while cooking / watching TV / reading. Always sit down at one place to eat and don’t get up till you finish eating.

Boil or bake the food: it is always better to steam, bake or grill the food instead of frying. Use very little oil while cooking. Invest in food non- stick cookware.

Chew the food properly: Eating slowly and chewing properly is an efficient method of cutting down on consumption of food. It also helps in easy and proper digestion of food.

Dine early: Have your dinner at least two hours before you sleep. Heavy snacks should be avoided just before bed.

Eat all meals: Don’t skip any meals. Skipping meals can lead to hunger pangs which can further lead to overeating.

Fill up on fiber: Choose high fiber foods such as whole wheat flour and unpolished rice. Fiber does not contain any calories and fills you up without piling on any calories.

Go for smaller treats: Instead of buying family packs, buy smaller packs. You will probably polish off a big packet because it is open.

High calorie food should be substituted with low calorie food: Nowadays, there are smart substitutes to high calorie food. For instance, you could replace one glass of milk (125 kcal) with one glass of skimmed milk (60 kcal), 30 gm of cheddar cheese (114 kcal) with 30gm of mozzarella cheese (80 kcal), etc.

Ideal weight is the key to a healthy life: Invest in a weighing scale and keep a regular check on your weight. Try to maintain an ideal weigh throughout your life.

Jog during commercials: Jog on the spot thrice each evening during advertisement breaks on your television show. This adds up to an annual loss of 3 kilograms.

Keep your mind positive: you are more likely to lose weight if you keep imagining how great you will look when you will be slim. This is one of the keys to achieving and maintaining a state of fitness and well being. 

Let your heart beat longer

  1. Eat fibre rich food. Include vegetables, grains like jowar, bajra, oats, and brown rice in your regular diet.
  2. Have enough antioxidant foods regularly like green tea, different colored fruits, and vegetables.
  3. Have essential fatty acids like omega 3 and omega 6 rich foods. Including walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds and fish will benefit the heart.
  4. Blend of right oils like sesame, mustard, olive, coconut, rice bran are good options to chose from.
  5. Cut down salt intake as excess salt can increase pressure which can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
  6. Monitor the alcohol content as too much can affect the heart muscle and increase the blood pressure.
  7. All those who are overweight should definitely look at reducing weight and fat content of the body.
  8. Processed foods are not only high in salt content but also there is loss of vitamins and minerals in these foods. So fast foods and processed foods are expensive both for pocket and heart.

Lose Weight, Look Great this Festive Season

As the festive season approaches, it’s common to begin fretting to get your weight under control. The temptation to binge on sweets and other food is immense and can result in guilt and anxiety. Going on a crash diet and skipping meals is not the answer.

Home-cooked meals: Most food cooked during the festivities contains excess oil, fat and sugar; all the things that you need to avoid. Avoid eating outside and instead eat at home as far as possible.

Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and prevent dehydration as thirst is sometimes mistakes for hunger and can lead to unnecessary binging.

Consume alcohol in moderation: If you are a social drinker, begin with a small measure and drink a glass of water after that. This will limit your intake and avoid piling up of excess calories.

Choose your food: Even when at party, marriage or some other function, indulge in low fat dips, salads, toppings etc. and eat fruit salad without ice-cream.

Don’t deprive yourself.

Diet Tips for Corporate Executives

Stress and work pressure coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits are taking a heavy toll on body and mind. Only a healthy body and mind can contribute positively at work and it begins with what we put in our bodies.

At Diet Dr Clinic we have developed very simple yet effective programs to help our clients make permanent changes in their dietary habits. With our approach, we don’t just advise what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. We provide a step-by-step program that teaches you how best to eliminate your bad eating habits and at the same time nudge you on a path to healthier lifestyle choices.

Main Benefits of our Corporate Program:
  • Learn about the 10 eating habits which will make a big difference to your weight and health.
  • Achieve permanent weight loss through permanent changes in diet which will help keep weight off even once you quit the program.
  • You don’t have to count calories. You will simply learn how to eat for the right reasons.
  • Achieve good health without getting overwhelmed or making drastic changes all at once.
  • Enjoy a renewed zest for life with a better workplace performance and higher efficiency.

Eat right while Bodybuilding

When it comes to bulking up on sheer solid muscle, diet is the single most important part of your overall bodybuilding program. You can work out all you like, but if you’re not following the proper diet, you will never achieve your dream body.
Use the following muscle building tips in your journey to bulking your body:
  1. Fish
         Consuming fish like salmon, tuna and sardines will give the body the essential proteins and fatty acids like Omega 3, which aid in the muscle-building process.
  2. Beans & VegetablesBeans and vegetables are important sources of fiber and protein and are critical for muscle growth. Kidney beans in particular are a very nutritious choice as they provide nearly 14 grams of both protein and fiber per cup.
  3. Oatmeal & Sweet PotatoesOatmeal and sweet potatoes contain slow-burning carbohydrates that are necessary to fuel and sustain muscles.
  4. WaterStaying hydrated is paramount to building your physique. Those building up their body are recommended to drink at least 6-8 litres of water per day.
  5. Egg Whites
         These are one of the purest forms of protein in the world. Egg whites are also a significant source of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, they contain very few carbs. 

Green Leafy Vegetables: A NEGLECTED GOLD MINE

People have been eating leafy greens since prehistoric times. Dark green leafy vegetables are great sources of nutrition required by the body.

It is dense in Vitamins like A, C, E and K, and many of the B-vitamins. These vegetables also contain an abundance of antioxidants and photochemical that protects cells and plays an important role in safeguarding our health.

They also contain high levels of fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Furthermore, greens have very little carbohydrates, sodium and cholesterol.

Many varieties of greens are available in the markets—the most popular green leafy vegetables are turnip greens, spinach, and fenugreek.

Now let us understand the local green leafy vegetables available for the land of Goa. Although these vegetables are easily available and loaded with nutrients, in this era of technology we are forgetting our rich resources and opting for the chemically produced products. We must get back to our roots and consume the food of the land. 

1. Talkulechi Bhaji 

Talkulo [cassia tora] is a monsoon wild leafy vegetable abundantly grown on roadside during the mirg [the period before monsoon] arrives. This vegetable is being consumed by all Goans as it has healthy and medicinal properties. The edible part of this plant is the fresh tender shoots. Its plucked the same way tea leaves are plucked.

Local name:  Talkulechi bahji [Goa].

  • Sanskrit - Chakramarda, Taga
  • Bengali & Oriya - Chakunda
  • Gujrati - Kawaria
  • Marathi - Takala
  • Tamil - Tagarai 
  • Telugu - Chinnakasinda 
  • Malyalam - Chakramandrakam, takara

Botanical name: Foetid Cassia / Cassia tora linn
[Cassia tora commonly known as Foetid Cassia, belongs to family Leguminosae].

According to Ayurveda the leaves and seeds are acrid, laxative, antiperiodic, anthelmintic, ophthalmic, liver tonic, cardio tonic and expectorant. The leaves and seeds are useful in leprosy, ringworm, flatulence, colic, dyspepsia, constipation, cough, bronchitis, cardiac disorders. Its leaves, seeds and root are used in folk medicine, primarily in Asia. It is believed to possess a laxative effect, as well as to be beneficial for the eyes. Cassia Tora also helps by removing intensive heat from the liver and improving vision, moisturizing intestine and easing the bowels. Great help for losing weight as well.

2. Drumstick Leaves

Drumstick leaves are abundantly grown all over India. It is used mostly as medicinal herb and leaves are the most nutritious part of the drumstick plant.

Local Name: Shewga chi bhaji / maskha chi bahji

Botanical name: Moringa oleifera Lam (Moringaceae)

The leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant, being a significant source of B vitamins, vitamin C, pro vitamin A as beta-carotene, vitamin K, manganese and protein among other essential nutrients.

Moringa is used for anemia, arthritis and other joint pain (rheumatism),asthma, cancer, constipation, diabetes; diarrhea; epilepsy, stomach pain, stomach and intestinal ulcers; intestinal spasms, headache, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney stones, fluid retention, thyroid disorders; And bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections. Also used to reduce swelling, increase sex drive (as an aphrodisiac), prevent pregnancy, boost the immune system and increase breast milk production.

3. Vaalchi Bhaji 

Local name: Vaalchi bhaji

Botanical Name: Basella alba/ Malabar spinach
Vaalchi bhjaiis locally grown in Goa is a fast-growing, soft-stemmed vegetable, mostly leafy is consumed. Basella alba bears thick, fleshy, broad, oval to heart-shaped leaves all along its vine length. Basella rubra features pink or purplish stems and pink color veins running in the leaves.

Fresh leaves, particularly of basella rubra, are rich sources of several vital carotenoid pigment anti-oxidants such as ß-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin. Together, these compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a healing role in aging and various disease processes. Its thick, fleshy leaves are a good source of non-starch polysaccharide, mucilage smooth digestion, bring reduction in cholesterol absorption and help prevent bowel movement problems. It is also loaded with iron, potassium and vitamin A & C.

4. Koddukeachi Bhaji / Koddu Bhaji

Local name: Koddukeachi bhaji /kuddu bhaji

Common name: Silver Cockscomb, Flamingo Feather

Botanical name:  Celosia Argenta/ Celosia

It grows abundantly wild in monsoons. Its use as a vegetable is common in some parts of Maharashtra & Goa. Ayurvedic physicians recommend the seeds of this plant for treating kidney stones. Flower and seed is astringent, haemostatic, ophthalmic, parasiticide and poultice. It is used in the treatment of bloody stool, haemorrhoid bleeding, uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea and diarrhoea.
Beta-carotene: extremely high in leaves; vitamin E: medium; folic acid: high; ascorbic acid: medium; calcium: medium; iron: medium; protein: 4.7%. Leaves contain also amaranthine (betacyanin), oxalic acid (ca. 0.2%) and phytic acid (ca. 0.12%).

 5. Colocassia Leaf

Local Name: Taro / Aalu leaf

Botanical Name: Colocasia esculenta

Taro is one of the finest sources of dietary fibers. They carry high-quality phyto-nutrition profile comprising of dietary fiber, and antioxidants in addition to moderate proportions of minerals and vitamins. Tender leaves have significant levels of phenolic flavonoid pigment antioxidants such as ß-carotenes, and cryptoxanthin along with vitamin A. 100 g fresh taro leaves provide 4825 IU or 161% of RDA of vitamin A. Altogether, these compounds are required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin and vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in flavonoids helps protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. It also contains good levels of some of the valuable B-complex group of vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), folates, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and thiamin.

Further, the corms provide healthy amounts of some of important minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. In addition, the root has very good amounts of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Taro Root likewise helps with irritability, reduces blood pressure, helps prevent cell damage, helps you to safeguard from colds and flues, aids in skin rashes, nausea, as well as aids you to control cholesterol, builds strong bones, as well as supports thyroid function.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Tips for Healthy Fasting

While the body is naturally inclined to crave food, it is possible to lose weight during a fast, provided you follow the right diet.

Here are some of the Do’s and Don’ts while observing a fast:

  1. Balanced Diet Those observing a fast should have at least two meals a day which contain foods from all major food groups including fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, fish, fat and sugar. Fiber rich foods like grains, seeds, green beans and whole wheat are also encouraged. Dates also provide a burst of energy.
  2. WaterDrink plenty of water, perhaps even more than your normal intake, so that your body remains hydrated throughout your fast.
  3. Rest & Relaxation Heal your body through adequate rest. Take short naps, read or watch television to pass the time.

  1. Foods to avoid Avoid foods that are deep-fried and high on sugar and fat like pakoras, samosas, gulab jamun, rasgulla, parathas etc.
  2. Limit caffeine & tobaccoCoffees, sodas, teas and energy drinks all contain high amounts of caffeine and may lead to headaches and other unwanted side-effects during your fast.
  3. Avoid strenuous activity Exercising during a fast will only exhaust you and make you thirsty and hungry. Instead, focus on hobbies that won’t drain you out.


Do you pack healthy tiffin only to have it come back uneaten? Most children have an inclination to consume foods that they enjoy the most and turn up their noses at those they deem unsavory. You may not be able to convince your 7 years old child that carrot is tastier than chocolate, but with a few spins, you can make healthy food interesting and appealing for children.

Thinking of exciting tiffin snacks can be quite challenging to most of you. You have to dismiss the monotony of bland snacks for tiffin by stripping up some interesting recipes. It’s a challenge for a mother to not only make the tiffin interesting but also nutritious and wholesome. But a bit of thought process and a professional help can surely help your child to lick his fingers. As a nutritionist I would suggest mothers to keep certain points in mind while designing a tiffin menu:
  1. To ensure your child takes up a good height make sure to add good sources of proteins like eggs, paneer, soya products, small amounts of cheese and beans.
  2. School going children tend to fall sick often which can weaken their immune system. Power foods like sweet potato, broccoli, mushrooms, oranges, amla, curds and yoghurt can benefit the child.
  3. Foods rich in vitamin A like carrot, pumpkin, eggs and beetroot if included in tiffin can act as excellent vision booster.
  4. Also nuts and seeds like almonds, peanuts, walnuts and raisins are wholesome foods.
The challenge is how to use all these foods in tiffin. Here are some easy combinations which will make your child’s food wholesome and nutritious. This is what I do for my two daughters:
  1. Paneer cutlets: Paneer + carrot + 1 tsp almond powder + potato, mix and make cutlet and shallow fry.
  2. Cheese kathi roll: Knead atta with 1tsp of peanut powder + 1 tsp of beetroot + egg instead of water. Make chapati of this and spread some tomato sauce and sprinkle cheese on it and roll it.
  3. Crunchy lollipop: Nutrela nuggets + wheat bread + seasoning + egg method:
    Soak nutrela nuggets, squeeze out water, churn in a mixer with all things except egg. Make into cutlets and insert an ice cream stick [can do this pre-preparation a day before]. Apply egg on lollipop and shallow fry.
These delicious ideas will boost your child’s appetite while they get right nutrients.


Everyone is heartily welcoming the monsoons after the hot summer spell this year, but be sure to keep in mind about the risks of cold, flu, viral fever, etc also that comes with the rains. The fluctuation in the weather leads to high humidity that causes the gut or digestive system to be weak and sluggish and thereby several health risks such as food poisoning, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery and cholera. A healthy and balanced diet is the key to fight these monsoon ailments! 

Fruity power: Eating fruits help restore energy so opt for apples, mangoes, pomegranates, and pears. They contain large amount of vitamins which are useful to fight against disease and keep the body healthy.
Healthy Tip: 
A lot of dirt tends to get accumulated on fruits and vegetables so ensure to wash them with warm water before use.

Hot Soups: Soups are friendly and good for the rains. They help fight diseases like cold, flu and rejuvenate your body. They also improve your digestive system and provide energy needed to work and be fit.
Healthy Tip: 
Avoid too much salt as it leads to high blood pressure and water retention. Adding a dash of garlic to the soups can boost the body’s immunity.

Herbal Teas: Replace your coffee, tea with herbal teas that contain basil leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, fennel seeds and ginger. This helps fight infections such as cold, flu and headache.
Healthy Tip: 
As excessive intake of coffee and tea dehydrates body fluids they aren’t preferred. So, herbal teas are the best option.

Spices and Herbs:  Neem, turmeric powder and methi seeds help in preventing infections. The leaves of tulsi are an antidote for fevers which occur during the rainy season.
Healthy Tip:
Drinking milk with the pinch of turmeric powder will help you to keep away from throat infection, cough, cold and fever.

Snack Time: Opt for yogurt, curd and almonds as a part of your diet. They improve your digestive system and also almonds help you keeping fuller.
Healthy Tip:

Opt for foods which are grilled, steamed or baked to avoid cramps. Avoid raw foods in monsoon.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


When most people think bones, they think calcium. But it's not the only nutrient. There are other nutrients which play an important role in absorption of calcium, like vitamin D, vitamin K & magnesium. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet, your body will take calcium from your bones to ensure normal cell function, which can lead to weakened bones or osteoporosis. Approximately 1 in 2 women (& about 1 in 4 men) over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. The bones naturally loose mass, becoming more brittle. Calcium deficiency can also lead to mood problems such as irritability, anxiety, depression & difficulty in sleeping. The best line of defence is your diet- eating the right food, which can give you the maximum bone strength & boost your bone density at any age.

  1. Dairy products like milk, yogurt (curd), cheese & paneer.
  2. Fatty fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel & tuna.
  3. Eggs- Don't just opt for egg whites- they may cut calories but the vitamin D is in the yolk.
  4. Dark leafy greens & vegetables like spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, celery, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts & asparagus.
  5. Seeds like sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flax- Sprinkle some seeds onto your salad for bone-building power.
  6. Nuts like almonds, walnuts & peanuts.
  7. Magnesium rich foods are found in nuts (like almonds & cashews), seeds (like sesame, pumpkin & sunflower seeds), whole grains, seafood, legumes, tofu & many vegetables.
  8. Vitamin D rich foods- Sources include fortified milk, eggs, cheese, fortified cereal, butter, margarine, cream, fish, shrimp, oysters, etc.

Following foods, when consumed in excess, drain calcium from your bones & deplete your body’s calcium stores:
  1. Salt - Eating foods high in salt (sodium) contributes to calcium loss & bone breakdown. Salt shows up in nearly all processed foods including whole grain bread, breakfast cereals & fast foods.
  2. Sugary Snacks - Excess sugar inhabits calcium absorption & depletes phosphorous, another mineral important in facilitating the absorption of calcium. Satisfy your sweet tooth with prunes, dates & other anti - oxidant rich fruits.
  3. Foods with Phytates - While beans (legumes) contain calcium, magnesium, fibre & other nutrients. They are also high in substances called phytates which interfere with the calcium absorption. You can reduce the phytates level by soaking beans in water for several hours & then cooking them in fresh water.
  4. Alcohol & Caffeine - Drinking heavily can lead to bone loss as it interferes with vitamin D which in turn inhabits calcium absorption, disrupting your body’s calcium balance. Limit alcohol to not more than 2 - 3 drinks per day. Coffee, tea & soft drink (sodas) contain caffeine, which may decrease calcium absorption & contribute to more loss.


Going on a diet is has become an unshakable trend of the 21st century. But like most trends, people follow fad diets without reaping its benefits or understanding the importance. Fad diets shock your body, sending it into starvation mode. You'll experience rapid weight loss, but you're not actually losing any fat; instead, you're using your body's stored supply energy. With many self-proclaimed health experts, there isn't a shortage of diets that claim to give you the best of results. If you decide to follow a diet, follow it religiously, not by making it a one week or month program. Modifying these diets to fit certain time frames may have drastic changes on your health and lifestyle. Some negative effects of Fad Diets include irritability, tiredness and lethargy, depression and eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia. This happens because your body isn't getting the nutrients it needs to make energy.

The common risks of fad dieting are basically of two types:

  1. Short term risk is nutritional deficiency which causes hair loss, giddiness, low energy levels, anemia, etc.
  2. Long term risks include osteoporosis, (as your body leaches calcium from your bones to make up for calcium deficiencies in your crash diet plan), damage to the brain, kidney, heart and other vital organs.
The key is to not eat less or starve, but to eat right. A common misunderstanding people make is crediting weight loss to starvation. The ideal diet will not encourage periods of starvation to lose weight, but will keep those hunger pangs away with sufficient food to eat. It is a biological fact, that the human body needs nutrition to ensure survival. Hence our body mechanisms are geared towards safeguarding fat and not losing weight. The major drawback of this regimen is the drop in your metabolic efficiency, where your body switches to conserving calories. Women tend to gain weight easily in comparison to men because of their biological and reproductive functions. Hence, it is inadvisable for anyone to use starvation as a tool for weight loss. The whole game is to revive up the sluggish metabolism.

So what is the ultimate solution? You should look at weight loss as a long term plan. Try to lose weight slowly, at a rate of 0.5-1 kg a week! Here are some tips that you could also follow in order to lose weight:

  1. Eat within the first hour of rising.
  2. Eat a small snack every 2 hours.
  3. Hydrate yourself well.
  4. Avoid refined sugar in beverages like tea, coffee, lassi and fresh lime.
  5. Stay away from artificial sweeteners.
  6. Healthy eating is a lifestyle not a “diet” so imbibe it.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


The examination phase has become synonymous to stress not just for the children but also for the parents. While studying for the exams, good nutrition often slides down the priority list. Therefore, in order to overcome the mental marathon of exams in which endurance is critical, the right food and drink can energize your system, improve your alertness and sustain you through long exam hours. On the other hand, the wrong dietary choices can make you feel sluggish and jittery.

Some tips that you could follow in order to ensure that your child eats right are:

1. Don’t skip meals, particularly breakfast.
Keeping a steady supply of glucose (energy) throughout the day, will ensure you do not lose concentration during both your study and exam times. When you wake up, your body hasn't had any food for several hours. Breakfast gives us the energy we need to face the day, as well as some essential vitamins and minerals.

Some good breakfast options could include:

  •        Wholegrain cereal with milk and glass of orange juice
  •        Wholemeal bread toasted with chopped banana and glass of milk

2. Balanced Diet.
Ensure that you are meeting the daily vitamin and mineral requirements by eating a balanced diet, comprising of at least 50-60% of your calories coming from complex carbs (whole grains), 20-30 % from good lean proteins ( curd, eggs, fish, sprouts)and the rest from good fats (nuts, olive oil). Appropriate amounts of iron and B-complex vitamins are also important to maintain the physical and mental energy necessary to study well. Iron-containing foods include eggs, whole cereals (jowar and ragi), rajmah, sesame seeds (til seeds) and spinach. Try to include whole-grains, wheat germ, eggs, soy products and nuts in your meals.

3. Smart snacking.
Rather than having foods that give you a “sugar rush” like cakes, biscuits, chocolate and sweets that are high in refined sugars and leave you feeling flat and in a bit of a slump shortly afterwards, try to opt for healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, popcorn, fruit scones, dried fruit, yoghurt or nuts to keep you going throughout the day.

4. Keep hydrated – aim for 1.5 to 2L of fluid per day.
Dehydration can make you feel lethargic, irritable and tired. Worst of all, it affects your concentration! This makes it more difficult to study and perform to your best. It would be advisable to keep a glass of fluid (fruit juice, herbal teas and water) within easy reach while studying and take a bottle of water into the exam.

5. Take Plenty of Rest.
To help relieve stress, clear your mind and lift your mood, break up your study with short bursts of exercise. You could go for a jog, a swim, a cycle, or even just walk to your local shop.