Tuesday 25 September 2018



How do you cope with stress? Do you reach out for chocolate or ice-cream or a donut?

We all turn to food during celebrations, parties and hunger. But also many of us turn to food when we are stressed. This will definitely make you feel good for a while but as soon as this feeling wears out. The only thing you’re left with is weight. Extra Weight!! Stressful events don’t have to be work or house work, just the daily hassles of life can cause cortisol (stress hormone) to rise which leads to food craving and then weight gain. So the next time you’re stressed, think of foods that will make you relaxed. We're not talking about stuffing yourself with your typical go-to comfort foods but with healthy wholesome foods.

Indulge in Dark chocolate

The "chocolate cure" is real. Eating dark chocolate is one of the most important tools in reducing stress. Dark chocolate has been found to increase mood by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain.

Go nutty

Include a handful of pistachios, cashews, almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds when stressed. This combo is a powerhouse package of fiber, antioxidants, and unsaturated fatty acids, all of which lower blood pressure. Omega-3 essential fatty acids in walnuts has reduced depression rates, the selenium in cashews and almonds are shown to elevate mood, and tryptophan in pumpkin seeds may help the brain make serotonin.

Bowl of Dahilicous

It’s a great source of protein and calcium, which your body needs to release feel-good neurotransmitters. Add fresh berries for sweetness and a mega-dose of stress-busting antioxidants and immunity-boosting vitamin C.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Diet Dr Clinic wishes you a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi

Wishing you and your family a prosperous Ganesh Chaturthi with our celebration friendly eating guidelines:

1. Be Balanced: When eating festive foods, a meal may be heavy with several items you can't say no to. Remember to balance a heavy meal with a lighter one later and vice versa.

2. Choose wisely: Modaks are a part and parcel of the Ganesh festivities and cannot be avoided, what you can avoid is the fried versions and instead opt for steamed modaks where ever possible.

3. Stay Active: a little dessert won’t set you back too much if you stay active for up to 30 minutes post meal. Take a walk around your apartment, help clear the table, do few household chores to get your body to burn those added calories.

4. Make moderation your Motto: Eating in moderation helps prevent any long term damage to your diet without feeling deprived of your favourite foods.

Saturday 8 September 2018


Family Health Challenge

How we eat at home with our nearest and dearest directly impacts how we look and feel in both the short and long run. When you change the way you eat as a family, your habits are not only more likely to last but you’re investing time and energy into a wealth we can’t put a price on: Your Family’s Health.
So take up this challenge together, share your story and support others. Make an investment to last a lifetime.

Our goal with this challenge:
1) Work on eliminating foods from your diet that cause unnecessary inflammation, lethargy, weight gain and even dig the ditch of chronic disease deeper by causing constant inflammation.
2)  Make simple sustainable dietary changes: That can help you maintain your ideal weight and even get rid of diet related acne, bloating, acidity, indigestion, fatigue etc.

The Drop and Swap

To get started with the challenge we've listed out 5 categories of food to drop over the next 2 weeks and 5 alternatives to swap those foods for!
Don’t worry about missing these foods, we've got everything covered and at the end of 2 weeks both you and your family will be feeling the difference.
P.s:  Moms try and switch out these foods from your fridges and cupboards at home, less access is less temptation for the whole gang.

Food Groups to Cut:

1.)  Cold Cuts and Frozen foods :

No Bacon, No Salami, No sausages, No ham, or any type of breakfast or luncheon meat No frozen or cured meats at all (this includes pepperoni, salami etc. No cheese corn nuggets, frozen paneer tikkas, Aloo tikkis, ready to fry frozen samosas, chicken nuggets, French fries and the like. If it comes in a ready to eat frozen form- it’s on this list.

Opt for lean meats, low fat diary, lentils or eggs for that added protein boost in the morning. Make snacks at home from scratch and freeze them yourselves, chicken cutlets, veg cutlets and even French fries are easy to make and even easier to freeze with the help of a zip lock bag. This way you are certain the food you’re feeding your family is preservative-free and as full of nutrients as it could possibly be.

Current research shows that there are certain chemicals in red and processed meats – both added and naturally occurring – that cause these foods to be carcinogenic. For example, when a chemical in red meat called haem is broken down in the gut, chemicals are formed and these have been found to damage the cells that line the bowel, which can lead to bowel cancer. These same chemicals also form when processed meat is digested. In addition, the nitrite and nitrate preservatives used to preserve processed meat produce these chemicals and can lead to bowel cancer.
Frozen foods are processed foods stored at low temperatures to suppress spoilage, and increase shelf life. But food processing introduces fat, sugar, and sodium into natural produce, decreasing its nutritional value. Further nutritional loss happens when we reheat or cook such products. So even though these foods are easily accessible and quick to cook, they might not provide the intended health benefits.

2.)  Tetra Pack juices and Soft drinks:

No ready to drink juices, fruit concentrates, sodas, aerated beverages etc. all fall into this category.

Try opting for freshly made juices at home instead or even better yet try combining fruits with veg to increase the nutritional quality Eg (spinach and apple, carrot and orange etc.)

Most if not all tetra pack juices contain added sugars and or preservatives. The sugars not only cause inflammation but also feed bad bacteria in your gut as well as spiking insulin levels. While the preservatives contained in them disturb your gut health causing sodium-potassium imbalances.

3.)  Processed foods:    
All processed foods or rather anything inside a packet or factory produced should be avoided these will include biscuits, nankeen’s, rusks, banana chips, muffins, pastries etc.
If you’re craving for banana chips, French fries opt instead for homemade versions. Try healthy tea time snacks like makhana or chana chaat, veg cutlets, boiled peanuts etc.

Processed foods often contain not only higher amounts of preservatives but also are stripped of natural nutrients to allow for better shelf life.

4.)  Readymade Dairy Products:

This category includes, pre-packaged yogurt, paneer, chocolate or flavoured milks (tetra pack cold coffee, thandai)

Wherever possible source local milk, and failing all else make your favorite diary drinks at home. Curdle milk to make Paneer, use the left over fluid from this (whey water) to make chaas or knead chapatti atta. Opt to make your kids their favorite milk based beverages, mango flavored milk from fresh mangoes, lassi from homemade curd etc

While most people assume giving their children a flavoured carton of milk is healthier than a juice, it often times contains the same amount of sugar as a can of coke or a handful of candy, including preservatives and synthetic (chemical) based flavours.

5.)  Mithai:

Readymade sweets such as jalebi, pedas, barfi’s, gulab jamuns etc. all fall under this category.

Opt instead to make homemade sweets, this way you always sure about the integrity of the ingredients you are using and also making sure that there are no added preservatives etc.
Instead try home made shrikhand, halwas, besan/til/coconut/ rajgira ladoos- which although are painstaking to make at home are well worth the extra effort.

Mithais today often contain large amounts of sugar, preservatives and sub quality fat to make the delicious bites both cost effective and tasty to those producing them.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

National Nutrition Week

 First 1000 Days of Life: What You Need To Know

From the date of pregnancy to a child’s second birthday is a golden window of growth in every baby’s life. The first 1000 days of life are like no other and not just for baby, but for mommy too! Read on to find out more.
In this window lies the potential to set a child up for success for his/her entire life. Sounds a little too good to be true? But if preventing death isn’t reason enough to get nutrition smart how about reducing risk of developing chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma or even obesity later on in life?
Or maybe even improving a kids grades? Height? And even influencing their future careers?  
Think of it this way: a healthy baby grows to be a healthy child with fully developed physical and mental potential (he’s at full height potential with an optimum weight while being well developed psychologically with attentive learning capabilities as well as social skills). The same child does better in school which in turn influences his chance at securing a better job. This in turn produces a workforce of healthy, talented young adults which is a plus point in any nation’s pocket.
The benefits you build in this crucial period last a lifetime!
So how do you set yourself up for success? We are so glad you asked! Find out 4 strategies listed below:

  •     Offer Them Mommy’s Milk: Breast feeding babies within one hour of birth.

Why? It is the child’s first immunisation (thank you colostrum!), reduces risk of hypothermia in baby, helps stem excessive bleeding in mama and improves bonding between baby and mama among many other benefits.

  •       Be Part Of The Exclusive Eating Club: Only breastfeed for the first 6 months

Why? Babies who are only fed mommy’s milk for the first 6 months are less likely to fall sick (that’s less pneumonia, allergies, gastrointestinal upsets etc.). It may increase baby’s IQ, while also helping mommy reduce weight, avoid postpartum depression, cancer and even stay heart healthy.

  •     Double Up To Develop: Introduce solid foods along with mothers milk after 6 months

Why? Between the ages 6- 24 months’ babies grow rapidly! At this age starting them off on soft mashed foods provides them with the additional necessary nutrients required to keep up with your active darling while helping them get strong and healthy.
In the first 6 months: Foods with a soft mushy texture like rice water, dal water, bananas are good options to start out on while gradually progressing to boiled sweet potato, avocado, curd , potato. Post 1 year you can introduce boiled egg, chicken, paneer etc

  •     Eating Expectantly: Ensuring a rich diet for pregnant and lactating mothers

Why? Women who are properly nourished during both these crucial periods ensures not only healthy mommy but healthy baby too! Babies born to a well-nourished mama have a better chance of not being malnourished, falling ill or dying thanks to an ample supply of the best baby’s food possible: breast milk!