Thursday 7 March 2019


Give 1 point each for every yes-

1. Do you have hair fall?
2. Are you seeing ageing signs more frequently? (e.g. wrinkles, crow feet, puffiness of eyes)
3. Do you have low immunity? (Do you often get cold/cough/stomach upset at least once a month)
4. Do you have PMS problems? (i.e . having mood swings, feel bloated, water retention, low energy before periods)
5. Is your weight more than your ideal body weight?
6. Do you feel tired? (Low on energy levels at the end of the day)


0-2 -Congratulations!! You are in the Green Zone- don’t worry that’s a low alert zone! You seem like a pretty health conscious woman. A few tips to help you on journey to wellness:

a. Include superfoods in your diet that helps in delaying ageing , protects your cells from free radical damage, improves your immunity. 
E.g wheat grass, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, micro greens, white tea, Rooibos tea, walnuts, chia seeds.

b. Include Prebiotics in your diet that helps in improving the growth of the good bacteria in your gut. E.g are garlic, wheat bran, green leafy vegetables, fruits.

c. Include Probiotics in your diet that improves the gut health and helps in improving immunity and is good for digestive health. 
E.g. curd, kefir, saukraut, black carrot kanji, kimchi, kombucha.

3-4 -You are falling in the yellow colour range that is medium alert zone and know to strike a balance in your social, personal and mental health. However, you need to work on your health for maintaining optimal health. Work on the below pointers.

a. Have small and frequents meals. This helps in proper digestion and absorption of nutrients and keeps steady sugar levels that’s required for energy.

b. Keep yourself enough hydrated. Consume at least 2 litres of water every day. You can make a variety of infused water like chia seeds water, rose water, lemongrass water.

c. To improve your skin health include pumpkin seeds, walnuts, fish, flax seeds in your diet.

d. Try and consult a Nutritionist and do different cleanses such as gut/kidney/water cleanse to be disease free.

5-6- You fall under a Red alert zone and require immediate attention on your health. Try and adapt a healthy lifestyle by following the guidelines.

a. Include antioxidant rich foods in your diet as it has anti-ageing, protects ones immunity and fights against free radical damage so that we are disease free. 
Eg. Walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, tomato juice, makhana, wheat grass.

b. Be physically active as this is part of living a healthy life. 
E.g. prefer exercises such as walking, jogging, zumba, pilates that’s of your preference.

c.  Eat Right and lose excess fat rather than eating less and putting on more fat as fasting for long hours will make you eat a lot more portion due to which you will take excess food than required by your body wherein the body will put it in fat storage.

d. Take enough rest and have a good night sleep as lack of sleep signals your body to secrete excess cortisol a stress hormone that makes you put excess weight.

e. Combat your stress by doing a deep breathing exercise or engaging in your favourite hobby.
E.g. reading books, gardening, painting this feel reduce your cortisol levels and secrete happy hormone serotonin which is good for your health and will not lead to weight gain.


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