Friday 24 January 2020


The examination phase has become synonymous to stress not just for the children but also for the parents. While studying for the exams, good nutrition often slides down the priority list. Therefore, in order to overcome the mental marathon of exams in which endurance is critical, the right food and drink can energize your system, improve your alertness and sustain you through long exam hours. On the other hand, the wrong dietary choices can make you feel sluggish and jittery.

Some tips that you could follow in order to ensure that your child eats right are:

1. Don’t skip meals, particularly breakfast.
Keeping a steady supply of glucose (energy) throughout the day, will ensure you do not lose concentration during both your study and exam times. When you wake up, your body hasn't had any food for several hours. Breakfast gives us the energy we need to face the day, as well as some essential vitamins and minerals.

Some good breakfast options could include:

  •        Wholegrain cereal with milk and glass of orange juice
  •        Wholemeal bread toasted with chopped banana and glass of milk

2. Balanced Diet.
Ensure that you are meeting the daily vitamin and mineral requirements by eating a balanced diet, comprising of at least 50-60% of your calories coming from complex carbs (whole grains), 20-30 % from good lean proteins ( curd, eggs, fish, sprouts)and the rest from good fats (nuts, olive oil). Appropriate amounts of iron and B-complex vitamins are also important to maintain the physical and mental energy necessary to study well. Iron-containing foods include eggs, whole cereals (jowar and ragi), rajmah, sesame seeds (til seeds) and spinach. Try to include whole-grains, wheat germ, eggs, soy products and nuts in your meals.

3. Smart snacking.
Rather than having foods that give you a “sugar rush” like cakes, biscuits, chocolate and sweets that are high in refined sugars and leave you feeling flat and in a bit of a slump shortly afterwards, try to opt for healthy snacks such as fresh fruit, popcorn, fruit scones, dried fruit, yoghurt or nuts to keep you going throughout the day.

4. Keep hydrated – aim for 1.5 to 2L of fluid per day.
Dehydration can make you feel lethargic, irritable and tired. Worst of all, it affects your concentration! This makes it more difficult to study and perform to your best. It would be advisable to keep a glass of fluid (fruit juice, herbal teas and water) within easy reach while studying and take a bottle of water into the exam.

5. Take Plenty of Rest.
To help relieve stress, clear your mind and lift your mood, break up your study with short bursts of exercise. You could go for a jog, a swim, a cycle, or even just walk to your local shop.

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