Monday 26 August 2019


Being overweight or underweight can lead to miscarriages, hormonal imbalances, fertility issues and increase risk of complications in pregnancy. Thus, aim for a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight with a body mass index of 19-25. A healthy pre pregnancy diet will help you conceive without complications. Understand which nutrients are the most important in the pre pregnancy diet:

Folic acid: Folic acid consumed before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects of your baby’s brain and spinal cord which can lead to varying degrees of paralysis, incontinence, and intellectual disability.
Sources: Lentils, dried beans and peas, dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, turnip greens) and citrus fruits.

Calcium: Preparing for pregnancy includes building healthy bones. If there is not enough calcium in the pregnancy diet, the foetus may draw calcium from the mother's bones, which can put the mother at risk for osteoporosis later in life.
Sources: Milk, yogurt and cheese

Iron: Iron is an important element in the pre pregnancy diet because if the mother is anaemic; this can be passed on to her baby. Building iron stores helps prepare the mother's body for the needs of the foetus during pregnancy.
Sources: Heme iron: Meat, fish and poultry.
Non heme iron: Dried bean, peas, lentils, pumpkin seeds, nuts, whole grains and dark leafy vegetables.

Also with the right nutrients, make sure you do not miss on any of this pregnancy super foods:

·         Eggs: Eggs are rich in choline, which promotes your baby’s brain health and overall growth while preventing neural tube defects. Eggs even contain omega 3 fats which are important for both brain and vision development.

·         Whole grains: whole grains are important during pregnancy because they are high in fibre and nutrients including vitamin E, selenium and phytonutrients  (plant compounds that protect cells)

·         Colourful fruits and vegetables: eating plenty of green, yellow, red, orange, purple and white fruits and vegetables ensures that you and your baby get a variety of nutrients.
·         Water: Hydrate yourself well. Dehydration during pregnancy can lead to many complications such as headaches, nausea, cramps, oedema and dizziness. This is especially important in the third trimester when dehydration can actually cause contractions that can trigger preterm labour.

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