Thursday 17 May 2018

The Untold Truth About Ketogenic Diet

Going on a diet has become an unshakable trend of the 21st century. After GM diet, Atkins diet, there is another diet that has been making the rounds in today’s world i.e. the most popular Ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diet was designed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the Mayo Clinic.

Let’s understand more about Ketogenic diets.

What is Ketogenic diets?
Ketogenic diets is a high fat diet focusing on high fat with adequate amount of protein and low carbohydrate which puts the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. Ideally as per nutrition standards, a balanced diet should consist of 20-25% fat. Ketogenic diet comprises of 70-80% fat. Thus confusing the body to change its way to use energy i.e. from carbohydrate to fat. The excess fat is then converted to fatty acids and ketone bodies in the liver. These diets are also known to lower glucose levels and improves insulin resistance. 

Process of ketosis
Our body depends on glucose for the main source of energy. However, when glucose isn’t readily available in the bloodstream (usually due to carbohydrate restriction), the body must get its energy from your adipose tissue (fat stores). Through a process called lipolysis, the body liberates fatty acids so they can be sent to the liver and oxidized for energy. As a result of this process, ketone bodies are created.

Three Types of Ketone Bodies
There are three main types of ketone bodies your body produces:
  •         Acetate
  •         Acetoacetic acid/Acetoacetate (AcAc)
  •         Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB)

These ketone bodies can be used as an alternative source of energy by many tissues in the body, thus putting your body under ketosis.

Why was it designed?
Ketogenic diet is one of the medically accepted treatment for chronic seizures in epilepsy and other epileptic disorders, including Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Research has shown that it helps reduce the frequency of seizures in children.

Does it work for weight loss?
Yes it does provide drastic weight loss results as it jerks the body, putting the body in an unhealthy mode by eliminating one food group and eating excess of another food group. You'll experience rapid weight loss, but you're not actually losing any fat; instead, you're using your body's stored supply of energy and muscle.

Is it the right way to lose weight?
Putting your body and organs through it all will eventually respond with the following side effects, such as irritability, hair loss, bad breath, cravings tiredness and lethargy, depression and eating disorders, anemia, osteoporosis and damage to the brain, kidney, heart and other vital organs. The natural way for your body is break down carbohydrates for energy but when your body switches to using fat for energy, it will definitely show major side effects especially in the first week.

Side Effects
  •       Short term side effects
Excessive thirst, frequent urination, leg cramps, cravings, flu, fatigue, hunger, confusion, anxiety and / or irritability, tachycardia, light headedness & shakiness, sweating & chills
  •      Side effects on long term

·       Kidney stones, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, Dehydration, constipation, slowed growth or weight gain (in kids, bone fractures (kids), women experience amenorrhea or other disruption.

Should I do it?
Answer these questions to figure out?
  •      Will you be able to sustain this diet for lifelong i.e. live without rice/roti/bread for your entire lifetime?
  •         Do you want to live with problems like hair fall, depression, hormonal imbalance etc?
  •         Will you be fine with drastic change in your blood parameters? i.e kidney or liver profile?
  •      Are you okay with unavoidable cravings, bad breath, anxiety etc?
  •       Are you okay with losing your health as well as gaining your weight back after stopping with ketogenic diet?

You’re smart and we trust you will make the right decision.

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